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Determining An Enforceable Custody Arrangement For Your Children

Child custody cases are critical when parents are unmarried, separated or divorced. Absent a child custody agreement, the parties often find themselves in very contentious legal disputes over custody, parenting time and decision-making for their children.  In such instances, Courts commonly rely upon custodial evaluations from a neutral party advising the Court on these matters. Attorney McGee has extensive experience in working with the professionals who conduct custodial evaluations, namely, child psychiatrists and child psychologists across Kentucky and at the Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville.

There are also times when a Kentucky social worker for the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services will seek Court intervention to restrict your rights as a parent.  These actions are called “Dependency, Neglect, or Abuse” cases.  Attorney McGee has extensive experience in working with social workers and, if necessary, challenging the social workers’ opinions when necessary.  He is very familiar with the Policies and Procedure Manual that Kentucky social workers must follow and knows how to appeal their decisions up through the chain of command in the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

What Your Child Custody Arrangement May Look Like

A strong custody plan and strategy will work in support of the stability and best interests of your child or children. Your family’s custody arrangements may consist of joint or sole custody. In a best-case scenario, decisions will be made based on your child’s best interests.

The role of the court in custody determinations is critical as a judge will consider factors such as the child’s wishes, parents’ health, and any history of domestic violence.

Consult With Family Law Attorney William F. McGee Jr.

Learn how to ensure that your knowledge of your child’s life will be taken into full account when the child custody plan is under discussion in a local family law court.

To reach McGee Law Office in Livingston County regarding your pending divorce or separation and the child custody order that you need, call 270-854-1885 or send an email inquiry.